2014년 11월 16일 일요일

Week 14 : Peer Evaluation 2

Evaluation for 20708 - http://20708hyojeong.blogspot.kr/

According to the rubric above, what grade would you give this essay? Why?
4점. 근거가 약한것 같다.

How does this essay need to improve to get a better grade?
문단구분이 애매하다. 읽기에는 편하지만 classical argument를 따르고 있는지 파악하기 힘들다

What is the thesis?
The lie detector is not accurate to use in the court as the evidence.

Is the thesis clear and debatable?

If you (The reviewer) wrote this essay, how would you have written the thesis?
The lie detector is not an accurate method to confirm the truth.

Any other thoughts?

Classical Argument
Can you easily identify the 5 parts of the classical argument? If no, what parts are missing?

Does the introduction catch your attention? Does it comfortably lead to the thesis?
거짓말 탐지기에 대한 소개가 너무 많은것 같다. thesis와 연결되는 부분이 어색하다.  그래도 잘썼다.

Does the narration give all the necessary background information to understand the topic?
거짓말 탐지기에 대한 이해를 돕는 자료가 많이있다.

Does the confirmation adequately support the thesis?
주장별로 읽기 쉽게 나뉘어져 있는점이 좋다. 하지만 2번째와 3번째의 의견이 비슷해 보이는 경향이 있다. 조금 더 근거를 많이 사용하여 주장을 뒷받침하면 해결될것 같다.
Does the refutation and concession address a realistic counterpoint? Does it adequately dispute the counterpoint, or respond in a reasonable manner?

Does the conclusion summarize the article and address the larger significance of the thesis?
사례(?)를 사용하여 인상깊은 결말을  쓴것같다.

What suggestions do you have for improving the classical argument structure?
문단을 정확히 나누면 더 좋은 글이 될것같다.

When you started reading the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis?
I agreed.
When you finished the essay, did you agree or disagree with the thesis?
I still agreed

If your mind changed, why? What parts of the essay were persuasive?
3가지로 나눠진 반박부분이 제일 설득력있었다.
How could the author enhance the persuasive parts of their essay?

Is the author using research effectively?

Is the research from appropriate sources?

Are the sources obvious?

Are the pieces of evidence relevant to the thesis or essay?
key word인 거짓말 탐지기의 역할위주의 자료를 사용하였으므로 적절하다
Are there any parts of the essay that need evidence to support the claims?
주장을 뒷받침할( 거짓말 탐지기가 쓰이면 안되는 이유) 과학적인 근거가 더 있으면 좋을것같다.

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